
you have to compile the QScintilla Python bindings AFTER PyQt4. The correct 
order is given in the README file of the eric distribution archive.


On Sunday 30 December 2012, 23:30:55 Alan Corey wrote:
> This seems like mostly a pyqt problem, as far as I know.  From my logs:
> I have qt4-4.7.3p0 also qt3-mt-3.8p5, using qmake from 4
> I have python-2.7.1p9, also python-2.5.4p13, using 2.7.1
> I have QScintilla-gpl-2.7 and installed Python bindings
> I have py-qt4-4.8.4p0v0 (OpenBSD name for PyQt-x11-gpl-4.8.4.tar.gz)
> From the eric4-4.5.7 install:
> freebie# python2.7 install.py
> Checking dependencies
> Python Version: 2.7.1
> Found PyQt4
> Found QtHelp
> Sorry, please install QScintilla2 and
> it's PyQt4 wrapper.
> Error: Cannot load specified object
> What specified object?
> In the QScintilla files there's a Python dir, I installed that after
> the main QScintilla install.  Is there something else to bind it to
> PyQt?  I'm running OpenBSD 5.0, building from sources (no binary
> packages, RPMs etc.).  Things were going well until this.  I'm not
> sure f it wants something else or if it's not finding something that's
> already installed.
>   Alan
Detlev Offenbach
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