On Thursday, March 07, 2013 01:38:57 PM Phil Thompson wrote:
> On Thu, 07 Mar 2013 00:07:10 -0500, Scott Kitterman <deb...@kitterman.com>
> wrote:
> > You may recall that last year I had an issue with the fact that due to
> the
> > Debian/Ubuntu multi-arch implementation, I need to include headers from
> > two
> > different directories (one common and one arch specific):
> http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/pipermail/pyqt/2012-October/032049.html
> > With the new Qscintilla2 Python/configure.py I ran into the same problem
> > and
> > solved it similarly.  Patch is attached.  Is this an appropriate
> approach?
> > It
> > appears to work for both Python and Python3.
> > 
> > Scott K
> Hmm - I'm regretting accepting the original patch. As this seems to be a
> problem created by Debian's Python build, shouldn't the solution stay with
> Debian?

I could certainly carry it as a distro patch if needed, but my preference is 
to push appropriate things upstream.

My understanding of the situation is that Python has ~always had two types of 
include directories, but that they have pointed to the same location.  
Upstream distutils will handle this for that reason (and that's also why I can 
use sysconfig to get the other directory in my patch).  It's only an issue for 
configure/build systems that don't use distutils.

My assessment is that Debian/Ubuntu are taking advantage of this and breaking 
an assumption that has long held true.  

I think it's better to have the patch upstream so that people who want to 
build from source using the system Python on Debian/Ubuntu can do so.

If you would like, I'll dig up more specifics about this notion of there having 
~always been two sorts of include directories (it was a surprise to me too 
when I first heard about it)?

Scott K
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