On Mon, 11 Mar 2013 11:22:45 +0200, Theuns Heydenrych
<theunsheydenr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank for the reply Phil,
> I get a Windows Dialog that shows up that says "Python has stopped
> and a button that shows the problem details.
> Here is the info for that.
> *Problem signature:*
> *  Problem Event Name: APPCRASH*
> *  Application Name: python.exe*
> *  Application Version:*
> *  Application Timestamp: 4f84a524*
> *  Fault Module Name: python27.dll*
> *  Fault Module Version: 2.7.3150.1013*
> *  Fault Module Timestamp: 4f84a51f*
> *  Exception Code: c0000005*
> *  Exception Offset: 00000000000ccffb*
> *  OS Version: 6.1.7601.*
> *  Locale ID: 1033*
> *  Additional Information 1: b042*
> *  Additional Information 2: b0421424f142fbb9cbb7bb36eb794492*
> *  Additional Information 3: 620e*
> *  Additional Information 4: 620eb73406993f88009c2e9ba8e1d7cb*

Means nothing to me.

> I have depends on my machine must i check the dependencies for
> Should i not check for something that depends on the PyQt stuff?
> Or is there another dependency checker for Python?

Not that I am aware of.

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