On Mon, 8 Apr 2013 13:29:57 +0100, Dmitrijs Ledkovs <x...@ubuntu.com>
> I am trying to compile pyqt against qt5 which has been build with no
> deprecated symbols.
> I am also using -no-deprecated when configuring pyqt.
> I already had to add extra libraries to be linked in the configure
> to make additional modules build.
> But the build still fails later on over QtCore.sip.
> In qstring.sip:
> 221            enc = sipCpp->toAscii();
> As far as I can see toAscii has been removed from Qt5 final, thus this
> needs to be guarded against with something like
> "%If (PyQt_Deprecated_5_0)"
> Unfortunately, I don't yet understand sip syntax and cannot make the
> myself.
> I have just testing that the bug is still present
> in: PyQt-x11-gpl-snapshot-4.10.1-a8db83af435d
> Can this be fixed please?

Should be fixed in tonight's snapshot.

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