
I'd like to point out that, realistically, the QGraphicsView framework
is obsolete. Yes, it may still be around a while.
But: The new OpenGL based QtQuick 2.0 graphics stack is way better.

I'm in the process of porting a C++ application from QGraphicsView
to QtQuick 2.0, which used a lot of custom QGraphicsItems which are
now QQuickItems. The performance increase is unbelieveable. And it's
more powerful and has more features, too!

I was very sceptical at first, as this make me dependent on hardware
accelerated OpenGL now. But in the year 2013 this is really no problem.

Of course, right now QtQuick 2.0 is out of reach for PyQt users.
But that will change. And the new model fits the Python approach
much better. In QGraphicsView, Python code is run every time a frame
is drawn. In QtQuick, your Python code generates a description of the
scene once, which is then drawn by the 3D-chip exclusively. Very fast.

Best Regards,
Mathias Born

On 14.04.2013, 02:15:16 Tom Brown wrote:
> I've created a simple application (see below) that draws a bezier
> curve. I want to give the user the ability to select the curve so
> they can move it around. However, I'm having trouble selecting the
> curve in an intuitive fashion. When I click on the curve, the point
> I click on is actually far away from the curve.
> ...

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