On Thu Apr 18 19:53:01 BST 2013, Mike Driscoll wrote:

> I don't know who to report this to, but the link that's at the top of the
> IRC channel for PyQt is broken:
> http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/static/Docs/PyQt4/html/classes.html
> If you go to that page, you get a 404. One of the other guys on the channel
> said it is supposed to redirect to
> http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt4/classes.html

When I join the channel it says:

22:48 -!- Topic set by patx [~patx@freecode-project/developer/patx] [Sun Jun 19 
          23:21:52 2011]

I tried and failed to reach him at some point. If you can't get in touch with
him, let me know and I'll try and see if I can find someone else with operator

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