On Thu, 6 Jun 2013 10:55:33 +0100, Cristobal Infante wrote:

> I am wondering if anyone has a working example of how to export a tableview
> to a pdf Doc.
> I've been able to some sort of pdf exports, but they always come out
> trimmed by the current viewing area. I need it to export to whole tableview
> even if it's not visible at that point.
> I have some thumbnails in this tableview, so I guess it would be something
> that captures the visible images.

One way would be to create a QTextDocument from the table contents and export
that as a PDF. I thought that there was an example that showed how to do this
but I haven't found it. In principle, it should be straightforward to do, but
might get complicated if you do fancy formatting in your table.

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