Found them at /opt/local/share/qt4/plugins/imageformat, but including them within the directory structure of my application (as I did with Windows) is causing my distribution package to crash :-( . Time to join the cx_Freeze list...


On 09/06/2013 09:39, Timothy W. Grove wrote:
Hi Folks,

I've just entered the world of PyQt programming on Mac OS X (Mountain Lion). Mostly an enjoyable experience, but finding my way around the file system is giving me headaches!!!

I've installed Python 3.3 and PyQt4 using the following instructions found at Handy, since I also use cx_Freeze to package my application.

I need to include the image format plugins with my distribution. On my Windows machine they would be located under C:\\Python32\\Lib\\site-packages\\PyQt4\\plugins\\imageformats, but I am having difficulty locating them on Mac. Any suggestions?


Best regards,
Timothy Grove

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