PyQt should be picking the spec from SIP (unless PyQt 5 changed that).  You can 
specify the spec when compiling SIP with the option:

-p macx-g++

if that doesn't work when compiling PyQt, try:

-p macx-llvm

It's odd though, even on OS X 10.7, I get macx-g++ as the default for SIP.

If PyQt 5 ignores SIP for the spec, maybe there's a similar option when 
compiling PyQt 5 to set the spec.

On Jun 27, 2013, at 10:22 AM, Anzir Boodoo wrote:

> William,
> On 27 Jun 2013, at 15:40, William Kyngesburye wrote:
>> Xcode on OSX 10.6 doesn't have clang++, all c++ is handled directly in 
>> "clang", though I think the early versions of clang here don't fully support 
>> c++.  You're better off with llvm-g++.  Xcode added clang++ in later 
>> versions starting with Lion. 
>> You should try to use a different qmake spec, either macx-g++ or macx-llvm.
> Really sorry about this, but I'm a bit of a newbie to XCode's ways...
> In PyQt's there is this:
>>        # The binary MacOS/X Qt installer defaults to XCode.  If this is what
>>        # we might have then use macx-clang.
>> if sys.platform == 'darwin':
>>            if qt_config.QMAKE_SPEC == 'macx-xcode':
>>                # This will exist (and we can't check anyway).
>>                self.qmake_spec = 'macx-clang'
>>            else:
>>                # No need to explicitly name the default.
>>                self.qmake_spec = ''
> I guess this is referring to some configuration file in Qt
> Can I just replace 'macx-clang' with 'macx-llvm' here?
> Thanks
> -- 
> Anzir Boodoo, PhD student
> The Institute for Transport Studies, The University of Leeds, LEEDS LS2 9JT
> QUEEN'S ANNIVERSARY PRIZE WINNERS - 'sustained transport excellence' - 
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William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

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