I was going to try it myself (haven't installed Qt5 yet, no need), but for some 
dumb reason, Qt5 switched to a custom Qt-made installer for their binaries.  I 
don't trust them to not do something weird.

Since the only thing I compile doesn't support Qt5 yet (and may not for a long 
while), I really don't have enough interest to try compiling Qt5.

If you don't absolutely need Qt5, go with 4.8.  I did find one discussion topic 
for Qt5 saying that the binary installer for 5.0.1 did not function properly on 
OS X 10.6 and you needed to compile Qt5, but I didn't see anything if this was 
fixed in the 5.0.2 installer.

On Jun 28, 2013, at 1:05 PM, Phil Thompson wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Jun 2013 18:42:39 +0100, Anzir Boodoo <a...@transcience.co.uk>
> wrote:
>> Phil,
>> On 28 Jun 2013, at 17:39, Phil Thompson wrote:
>>> On Fri, 28 Jun 2013 10:20:24 -0500, William Kyngesburye
>>> <wokl...@kyngchaos.com> wrote:
>>>> Though I see now what you mean by those lines in configure.py -
> whatever
>>>> you give for --spec will be overridden by that 'darwin' if block.  And
>>> if
>>>> it isn't macx-xcode it defaults to whatever Qt5 was compiled with,
>>> probably
>>>> clang++.
>>> This patch should actually work.
>> Thanks... it's *still* giving the same response, except when I
>> accidentally knocked something else in configure.py and generated a
> syntax
>> error (so at least I am editing and running the same file - phew!) - I
>> wonder if something else is pointing to clang++?
>> When I changed
>>> if qt_config.QMAKE_SPEC == 'macx-xcode':
>>>                    # This will exist (and we can't check anyway).
>>>                    self.qmake_spec = 'macx-clang'
>> to
>>> if qt_config.QMAKE_SPEC == 'macx-xcode':
>>>                    # This will exist (and we can't check anyway).
>>>                    self.qmake_spec = 'macx-llvm'
>> it didn't work either
>> I'm now trying to follow through what configuration.py is doing... it
>> seems my default Qt is still 4.7.4, but I should be pointing PyQt 5 at
> Qt
>> 5. running 'qmake -query' using the Qt 5 qmake shows that
>> 'QMAKE_SPEC:macx-clang' and 'QMAKE_XSPEC:macx_clang'. 
>> Then there is this (in configuration.py)
>>>        # The default qmake spec.
>>>        if self.py_platform == 'win32':
>>>            if self.py_version >= 0x030300:
>>>                self.qmake_spec = 'win32-msvc2010'
>>>            elif self.py_version >= 0x020600:
>>>                self.qmake_spec = 'win32-msvc2008'
>>>            elif self.py_version >= 0x020400:
>>>                self.qmake_spec = 'win32-msvc.net'
>>>            else:
>>>                self.qmake_spec = 'win32-msvc'
>>>        else:
>>>            # Use the Qt default.  (We may update it for MacOS/X
> later.)
>>>            self.qmake_spec = ''
>> so that's where self.qmake_spec is coming from (until it gets set to
>> 'macx-clang' later on), and I'm setting opts.qmakespec through the
> command
>> line, which is overwriting self.qmake_spec - so that *should* work, but
>> somehow doesn't ...
>> Maybe I should just go with Qt 4.8 and PyQt 4.8 for the moment - I've
> got
>> to the end of my ability to figure this out again...
> I tested the patch and there was no mention of clang in any Makefile.
> Maybe try with tonight's snapshot so you don't need to do any patching.
> Phil
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William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

Earth: "Mostly harmless"

- revised entry in the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy

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