On Fri, 04 Oct 2013 11:17:38 +1000, Stephen Gava <elgua...@gmail.com>
> hi there, i already tried to send a message on this, through gmane, 
> which never appeared, so apologies if they both turn up on the list. 
> hereforth let this be the canonical message on this topic (eg. ignore 
> the other one if it appears) ;) .
> using pyqt4 this works without problem:
> but using pyqy5 it segfaults (pyqt 5.1 with qt 5.1 on linux x64). why is

> that?
> using pyqt5 the following _does_ work:
> self.shortcut_help=QShortcut(self)
> self.shortcut_help.setKey(QKeySequence.HelpContents)
> self.shortcut_help.activated.connect(self.show_help)
> fwiw the qt5 c++ docs still say that the multiple argument constructor 
> should work, but with pyqt5 it segfaults.
> am i doing something wrong that somehow still worked under pyqt4?

Should be fixed in tonight's snapshot.

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