My environment:
Ubuntu 13.04
Qt5.0.1 (as installed by Ubuntu)
Python3.3 (as installed by Ubuntu)
python3-dev (installed using Ubuntu Software Center)
sip-4.15.2 (downloaded)
PyQt-gpl-5.0.1 (downloaded)

When starting my app:

ImportError: /usr/lib/python3.3/site-packages/PyQt5/ undefined symbol: 

One post
seems to indicate that the python interpreter is built with a different unicode 
implementation than the imported extension module??
I can't find any other build switches for PyQt that might be appropriate.

I haven't found a solution yet.

(Other info: I am using Eclipse IDE and struggled with setting it up for 
Python3, and setting up PYTHONPATH.
But I get the same error as above from Python started on a command line.)
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