On Fri, 2007-11-02 at 10:04, John Mark Swafford wrote:
> I made a mistake when writing my last email on the line where it says:
> export PYROBOT=/dir
> should have been:
> export PYROBOT=/dir/pyrobot
> I can run the export commands straight from the command line and they 
> function properly, but I am unable to run them from inside my Python 
> program or a Perl program. My apologies for being unclear last time.

The problem would be in how you are performing the export.
The environment data is usually initialized from the
current process and inherited by child processes.
I don't know how your are setting them from within
your program however doing something like this will

os.system('export PYROBOT=/dir/pyrobot')

The system command will create a child process set the
environment variable and then destroy the child.  The
parent is not affected.  Instead to set the value
in the current processes environment use something
like this:

os.system('echo $PYROBOT')

If you want/need more clarification feel free to send
me a snippet of your code.


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