[Apologies for any crossposts you may get. -Doug]

SIGCSE 2009 sports a selection of presymposium meetings, including one
on the Future of Robots in Education, on Wednesday, March 4th. The
meeting is free to participants (limited number of seats!) You can
register at:


The presymposium is sponsored by the Institute for Personal Robots in
Education. We are especially looking for participants willing and able
to discuss:

    * Examples of introductory or advanced courses that use Robots as a
        main topic or organizing principle
    * Examples of Robot based curriculum initiatives
    * Robot assignments in introductory and advanced courses
    * Robot based pedagogical resources for introductory and advanced
    * Other planned or deployed educational initiatives involving Robots

This one-day symposium aims to bring together educators, researchers,
and curriculum designers to discuss successful strategies for
incorporating robots into the undergraduate curriculum. The symposium
will be designed to be highly interactive. In addition to paper
presentations, it will include invited speakers, open-ended round-table
discussions, and panels of CS curriculum experts.

Keynote Speaker:
      Deepak Kumar, Bryn Mawr College
      What can we learn from robots?

Invited Speakers:
    * Robbie Berg, Wellesley College
    * Zachary Dodds, Harvey Mudd College
    * Jeffrey Forbes, Duke University
    * Jennifer Kay, Rowan University
    * Myles McNally, Alma College
    * David Miller, University of Oklahoma
    * Sheila Tejada, Brooklyn College, City University of New York
    * Dave Touretzky, Carnegie Mellon University
    * Jerry Weinberg, Southern Illinois University
    * Andrew Williams, Spelman College
      (and more)

Hope you can make it and particpate!


Douglas S. Blank
Director, Institute for Personal Robots in Education (IPRE)
Chair, and Associate Professor, Computer Science, Bryn Mawr College
http://cs.brynmawr.edu/~dblank  (610)526-6501
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