On 2/26/20 9:57 AM, PGNet Dev wrote:
> explicitly spec'ing the current build's shiboken2 cmake dir path, adding
>       python setup.py install \
>        --build-type=all \
>        --qmake=/usr/bin/qmake-qt5 \
>        --parallel=8 \
>        --build-tests \
> +      
> --shiboken-config-dir=/usr/local/src/pyside-setup/pyside3_install/py3.8-qt5.14.1-64bit-release/lib/cmake/Shiboken2-5.14.1/
> _does_ appear to *workaround* the find-shiboken problem,

if instead of using 

        python setup.py install ...

i use cmake build directly

        mkdir build
        cd build
        cmake ..
        make -j

the config + build completes without apparent error, correctly finding 
shiboken/pyside cmake files, etc.

afaict, that's not the doc'd build method

i've not tested the build in downstream use yet; no clue if it's 'good' yet
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