A Wednesday 02 December 2009 19:46:42 Robert Ferrell escrigué:
> I just built PyTables on OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard).  (Thanks to all for
> help from many quarters.)  tables.test() ran fine.  But
> tables.test(heavy=True) gave many errors, all similar to:
> ======================================================================
> ERROR: Testing ``c_int16``.test_h0080
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "tables/tests/common.py", line 248, in newmethod
>      return oldmethod(self, *args, **kwargs)
>    File "tables/tests/test_queries.py", line 358, in test_method
>      pyvars[colname] = row[acolname]
>    File "tableExtension.pyx", line 1225, in
> tables.tableExtension.Row.__getitem__
>    File "tableExtension.pyx", line 132, in
> tables.tableExtension.getNestedFieldCache
>    File "utilsExtension.pyx", line 390, in
> tables.utilsExtension.getNestedField
> KeyError: 'no such column: c_int16'
> Some of the errors were
>       ValueError: field named c_int16 not found.
> Can I ignore this?

Uh, no, you should not.  That's weird because I regularly run the complete 
PyTables test suite in Linux and Windows platforms and you should expect 
something like (for heavy test mode):

Ran 7928 tests in 93.628s


[The above was using PyTables 2.1.2 and HDF5 1.8.4, the same as yours]

Mmh, the only apparent difference is that I'm using an earlier version of 

NumPy version:     1.4.0.dev7072

and you are using:

NumPy version:     1.4.0.dev7542

Could you please install NumPy 1.3.0 (stable) and tell me if it goes better?

If you continue to have problems with some tests, maybe something in your 
machine is going on wrong.  In that case, send me the complete output for:

$ PYTHONPATH=. python tables/tests/test_all.py --heavy > out 2>&1


Francesc Alted

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