On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 12:20 PM, Anthony Scopatz <scop...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hmm What if you try opening in 'r' or 'w' mode, rather than 'a'?
Doesn't make a difference.

> I am not an expert in virtualenv, but I have heard of people having
> problems with it with other packages.  Let us know if there is anything
> that we can do.
Starting with a clean virtualenv seems to have worked. The new
configuration is

PyTables version:  2.4.0
HDF5 version:      1.8.4-patch1
NumPy version:     1.6.2
Numexpr version:   2.0.1 (not using Intel's VML/MKL)
Zlib version: (in Python interpreter)
BZIP2 version:     1.0.5 (10-Dec-2007)
Blosc version:     1.1.3 (2010-11-16)
Cython version:    0.16
Python version:    2.6.6 (r266:84292, Dec 26 2010, 22:31:48)
[GCC 4.4.5]
Platform:          linux2-x86_64
Byte-ordering:     little
Detected cores:    4

The only difference seems to cython and numpy.  Tests run to completion.

Daniel Wheeler
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
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threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
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