KirbyBase is a simple, plain-text, database management system written in Python. It can be used either embedded in a python script or in a client/server, multi-user mode. You use python code to express your queries instead of having to use another language such as SQL. KirbyBase is disk-based, not memory-based. Database changes are immediately written to disk.

You can find more information on KirbyBase at:

You can download KirbyBase for Python at:

Wow! It's been almost two years since the initial release of KirbyBase. Time sure does fly! Version 1.7 includes most of the bug fixes that have accumulated over the months and a few enhancements that I hope you will enjoy.

I would like to thank everyone who has emailed me with comments, bug reports, and enhancement requests/ideas. Hearing from people who actually use KirbyBase is what makes working on it worthwhile. Please keep the emails coming!

I would particularly like to thank Pierre Quentel, the author of Karrigell (, for his contribution of ideas and code for many of the enhancements in version 1.7 of KirbyBase.

For those of you who requested better documentation, the manual has been completely re-written. I'm not saying it's any better, but at least it's different. :)

Changes in Version 1.7:

*  Changed the default value for the keyword argument 'useRegExp' to
   be false instead of true.  This means that, when doing a update,
   delete, or select, records being selected on string fields will
   be matched using exact matching instead of regular expression
   matching.  If you want to do regular expression matching, pass
   'useRegExp = True' to the method.

* Added a keyword argument to select() called returnType. If set to
'object', the result list returned will contain Record objects
where each field name is an attribute of the object, so you could
refer to a record's field as plane.speed instead of plane[4]. If
set to 'dict', the result list returned will contain dictionaries
where each key is a field name and each value is a field value. If set to 'list', the default, the result is a list of lists.

* Added a new method, insertBatch.  It allows you to insert multiple
  records at one time into a table.  This greatly improves the speed
  of batch inserts.

* Added a new public method called validate.  Calling this method
  with a table name will check each record of that table and
  validate that all of the fields have values of the correct type.
  This can be used to validate data you have put into the table by
   means other than through KirbyBase, perhaps by opening the table
   in a text editor and typing in information.

* Fixed a bug in _closeTable where if an exception occurred it was
  blowing up because the variable 'name' did not exist.

* Fixed a bug in _writeRecord where if an exception occured it was
  blowing up because the variable 'name' did not exist.

* Fixed a bug in _getMatches where I was referencing
  self.field_names as a method instead of as a dictionary.

* Added a new private method, _strToBool, that converts string
  values like 'True' to boolean values.

* Added a new private method, _convertInput, and moved to it the
  code that ensures that the data on an insert is in proper list
  format.  I did this so that I did not have duplicate code in both
  the insert and insertBatch methods.

* To accomodate the fact that users can now send a large batch of
  records to be inserted, I changed _sendSocket so that it first
  sends the length of the database command to the server, then it
  actually sends the command itself, which can now be any length.

* Changed the code in _getMatches to precompile the regular
  expression pattern instead of dynamically compiling every time the
  pattern is compared to a table record.  This should speed up
  queries a little bit.

* Changed the code in select that converts table fields back to
  their native types to be more efficient.

* Changed _sendSocket to use StringIO (actually cStringIO) to hold
  the result set of a client/server-based query instead of just
  capturing the result by concatenating records to one big string.
  In informal testing on large result sets, it shaves a few tenths
  of a second off the query time.



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