
We're pleased to announce the release of Wing IDE 2.0.2.  This is
a free upgrade for Wing IDE 2.0 users.  The release can be
downloaded from:


Wing IDE provides powerful debugging, editing, code intelligence,
and search capabilities that reduce development and debugging
time, cut down on coding errors, and make it easier to understand
and navigate Python code.

Highlights of this release include:

* Easier to use Zope and Plone integration
* Extension of the IDE with Python scripts (Wing Pro only)
* CVS revision control system integration (Wing Pro only)
* Reorganized and expanded Project and File properties
* Ability to view and change text file encodings
* Per-project line ending and indentation policies
* Option to auto-add new files to projects
* Text input methods for non-european languages
* Wing IDE Personal now includes the Indentation tool
* Over 70 other improvements and bug fixes

New features in Wing IDE 2.0 since the last 1.1 release include a
redesigned customizable user interface, call tips, syntax error
indicators, editor tabs and splits, multi-file wildcard and
regular expression searching, integrated documentation and
tutorial, German localization, and Unicode support.

This release is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, and
can be compiled from sources on *BSD, Solaris, and other Posix
operating systems.

A complete list of changes is available here:


For more information see:

Product Info:   http://wingware.com/products
Sales:          http://wingware.com/store/purchase
Upgrades:       http://wingware.com/store/upgrade


The Wingware Team

        Support the Python Software Foundation:

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