Leo 4.3 alpha 4 is now available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/leo/

Leo 4.3 is the culmination of more than five months of work. This alpha 4
focuses on plugins: all known plugins are now in leoPlugins.leo. Most
plugins now work with the 4.3 code base.

This alpha 4 release also adds the frequently-requested Add Comments and
Delete Comments commands to Leo's Edit Body menu.

The defining features of Leo 4.3:
1. Leo now stores options in @settings trees, that is, outlines whose
headline is '@settings'. When opening a .leo file, Leo looks for @settings
trees not only in the outline being opened but also in various
leoSettings.leo files. Users can create arbitrarily complex user options
with @settings trees.

2. The Preferences command temporarily replaces the outline pane with an
outline showing all the @settings trees in effect. The Preferences command
also replaces the body pane with a "settings pane". This settings pane
allows you to change the settings selected in the outline pane using
standard gui widgets.

3. Leo's read/write code in leoAtFile.py has been rewritten to support
user-defined tangling and untangling. This is a major cleanup of Leo's core.

4. Leo now contains an excellent Plugins Manager plugin. This plugin enables
and disables plugins automatically and tells you everything you need to know
about each plugin. This plugin also lets you download plugins from Leo's cvs

5. You can install third-party extensions in Leo's extensions directory. Leo
will attempt to import such extensions from the extensions directory when
normal imports fail. The distribution contains Python Mega Widgets in the
extensions directory.

What people are saying about Leo
"Word outlines are very useful. But Leo makes Word look like a clunky
toy." --Joe Orr

"Leo is an interactive editor for organizing text fragments hierarchically
and sequentially into one or more files and hierarchical folders, without
arbitrary limits on the number and size of text fragments and the depth of
the hierarchy...Tangle is a tool for combining hierarchically and
sequentially organized text fragments into text files, hierarchically
grouped into folders, with hierarchical or sequential organization of text
within the files, and without arbitrary limits on the size and number of
files and the depth of the hierarchy of folders and text nesting within the
files." -- Alex Abacus

"Leo reminds me a great deal of things I loved when I used Userland's
Frontier (an outlining cms with a native oodb) - but Frontier wasn't
hackable enough for me, and it wasn't oriented towards coding and literate
programming, and you couldn't round-trip rendered pages (big Leo win). This
is really a super tool - in a matter of days I've started to use it on all
my projects and I still haven't figured out how I lived without it." -- John

"Leo is EXACTLY the kind of outliner I was looking for--fantastic job!" --
Steve Allen

"If you are like me, you have a kind of knowledge base with infos gathered
over time. And you have projects, where you use some of those infos. Now,
with conventional outliners you begin to double these infos, because you
want to have the infos needed for the project with your project. With Leo
you can do this too, but if you change text in one place IT IS UPDATED IN
THE OTHER PLACE TOO! This is a feature I did not see with any other outliner
(and I tried a few). Amazing! Leo directly supports the way I work!" -- F.

More quotes at: http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/testimonials.html

What makes Leo special?
- Leo's outlines add a new dimension to programming.
- Leo shows you your code and data the way _you_ want to see them.
- Leo extends, completes and simplifies literate programming.
- Leo's script buttons bring scripts to data.

What is Leo?
- A programmer's editor, an outlining editor and a flexible browser.
- A literate programming tool, compatible with noweb and CWEB.
- A data organizer and project manager. Leo provides multiple views
  of projects within a single outline.
- Fully scriptable using Python. Leo saves its files in XML format.
- Portable. leo.py is 100% pure Python.
- Open Software, distributed under the Python License.

Leo requires Python 2.2.1 or above and tcl/tk 8.4 or above.
Leo works on Linux, Windows and MacOs X.

Leo:      http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/front.html
Home:     http://sourceforge.net/projects/leo/
Download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=3458
CVS:      http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=3458
Quotes:   http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/testimonials.html

Edward K. Ream   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Leo: Literate Editor with Outlines
Leo: http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/front.html


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