ReleaseForge 0.7 is now available for download at:


About ReleaseForge 0.7:

This new version adds the ability for users to submit project news to
SourceForge.  This feature is available from the newly created Actions
menu on the main window.


About ReleaseForge:

ReleaseForge is a GUI application designed for project administrators
and release engineers of projects that are hosted at SourceForge. It is
intended to make it easier and faster to create a new release and edit
existing releases rather than using the SourceForge Web interface.

ReleaseForge streamlines the release effort by prompting you for
information regarding your new release (version info, change log,
release notes, files to include, etc). It then seamlessly negotiates
with the SourceForge Web server, creating your release, posting your
release notes/change log, uploading your files to the SourceForge FTP
server, selecting the files for inclusion in your release on the
SourceForge Web server, updating the file attributes of each of the
files and then, if appropriate, notifying monitoring users of the new



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