I'm pleased to announce the release of PyDO-2.0a3, the fourth and
probably last alpha in this series.

What's New

* By popular demand, the package name has been changed (for the last
  time!) to "pydo".

* PyDO now supports optional introspection of table columns and unique
  constraints at runtime, and can optionally cache the data found to

* drivers for mssql and oracle have been added.

* a new function, ``fetch``, for performing joins -- or more
  generally, obtaining potentially multiple PyDO objects and other
  data at once in a single query -- has been added, and facilities
  with a similar purpose in the previous alphas have been removed.

* a number of bugs have been squashed.


This release contains substantial contributions from Jonathan Ellis,
Tim Golden, and Hamish Lawson.  Thanks all!

What it is

PyDO is Drew Csillag's ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) database access
library for Python that facilitates writing a Python database access
layer.  PyDO attempts to be simple, flexible, extensible, and

PyDO 2 is a rewrite of the 1.x series distributed with SkunkWeb.
It has several enhancements:

   * PyDO can now be used in multi-threaded or twisted-style
     asynchronous sitations, with or without a customizable connection

   * PyDO objects are now dict subclasses, but also support attribute
     access to fields.

   * Projections -- subsets of the field list of a super-class -- are
     now supported by the PyDO.project() method.

   * Table attributes are now declared in a more concise way.

   * PyDO2 supports runtime table introspection.

   * Overall, the API has been tightened and the code restructured.

It also has several limitations:

   * PyDO 2 is still alpha code.  Bugs should be expected, and the API
     is not guaranteed to be stable.

   * PyDO 2 requires Python 2.4 or later.

PyDO 2 currently supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, Sqlite, MSSQL, and
Oracle, and support for other databases is planned.

PyDO is dual GPL/BSD licensed.

The source tarball is available at SkunkWeb's berlios site:


or, more directly:


Questions pertaining to PyDO can be addressed to the SkunkWeb mailing
list at sourceforge:




Jacob Smullyan 


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