Hi All,

PyDev - Python IDE (Python Development Enviroment for Eclipse) version has just been released.

Check the homepage (http://pydev.sourceforge.net/) for more details.

Details for Release:

OK, what's with the strange release version number?... Well, this 
version undergone lot's of changes, so, PyDev will be waiting on 
feedback about them... only after that will it become 0.9.8!

Major highlights:
    * PyDev has its first shot at Jython. you should be able to use many 
things already, meaning: all the common editor features and code completion.
    * The debugger is working.

Others that are new and noteworthy:
    * Code completion has been improved for supporting wild imports and 
relative imports better (sometimes it had some problems).
    * There are hovers for the text and annotations (when you pass the 
mouse through an error it will show its description).
    * Block comment (Ctrl+4) now uses the size defined for the print margin.
    * New block-comment style added (Ctrl+Shift+4).
    * New icons were created.
    * wxPython completions now show.
    * Many other bug-fixes as usual.

Note on Java 1.4 support: Currently Java 1.4 is not supported (only java 
5.0), altough we will try to add support for java 1.4 before the 1.0 

Special thanks
This release would not be possible without help from:

OctetString, for the financial support for making jython support possible!
Aleks Totic, Scott Schlesier and Vitor Oba for the debugger patches!
Eduardo A. Hoff, for the new logo and changes on the site layout!




Fabio Zadrozny
Software Developer

ESSS - Engineering Simulation and Scientific Software

PyDev - Python Development Enviroment for Eclipse


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