Boo 0.7 was released by Rodrigo B. de Oliveira. Boo is a statically typed programming language for .NET/Mono with a python inspired syntax and a special focus on language and compiler extensibility.
Boo is free and open source (MIT/BSD license). The source and binaries for Boo are available from Boo 0.7 adds support for by reference parameters, a whitespace-agnostic parser, the one's complement operator, and has numerous bug fixes. Boo 0.7 was also made compatible with .NET 2.0 beta (as well as .NET 1.1 and Mono 1.1.9), although boo does not yet consume or generate generics classes. There are numerous new and updated boo addins for IDEs now available: for SharpDevelop 1.1 and 2.0, Eclipse, MonoDevelop, and two IDEs developed in boo called Boodle and Boox. Differences with Python: Differences with C#: Tutorials: -- Support the Python Software Foundation: