Pythomnic is a conceptual environment for building middleware services
in Python. Recognizing building as a process in time Pythomnic focuses
on the following major directions:

1. Dynamic modules reloading allows changing the source or release a
bunch of new modules on the fly without a need to stop the service.
2. The (presumably unreliable) external systems (ex. databases) are
specifically isolated so that connections can be switched on the fly,
from one to another without losing clients' requests.
3. Different Pythomnic instances running on different machines can talk
seamlessly, making it easy to split and build distributed services and
also build for redundancy. All this also can be done at runtime without
service stop.
4. Easy fault tolerance is another major feature Pythomnic offers to a
conscious developer, by a set of high level syntactically transparent
constructs. This also helps to easily build redundant services.

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