Pydev and Pydev Extensions 1.0.3 have been released
Check for details on Pydev Extensions
and for details on Pydev
Highlights in Pydev Extensions:
- Added open declaration 'quick dialog' - Ctrl+Shift+T: Enables the user to find any global (class, method or attribute) declaration, including methods and attributes from classes (does not show only 'top-level' tokens).
- Code analysis minor bugs fixed
- Added a 'memento' for the Quick outline layout
Highlights in Pydev:
- Auto-dedent for else: and elif constructs
- Added color customization for the function name and class name
- Fixed error while organizing imports with the construct from xxx import (a,b\n c)
- Fixed debugger error: it could halt when getting some variable representation if the variable translated in a string that was huge
- Fixed error while debugging with conditional breakpoint (only evaluated the first time) -- Thank Achim Nierbeck for this fix
- Show in view: Resource Navigator (Ctrl+Alt+W) now is always active on the pydev view
- Fixed leak on template images
Fabio Zadrozny
Software Developer
ESSS - Engineering Simulation and Scientific Software
Pydev Extensions
Pydev - Python Development Enviroment for Eclipse
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