
as you might have seen, MoinMoin is one of the projects taking part in  
Google's Summer of Code (http://code.google.com/soc/ ). If you are a 
student and want to work on MoinMoin for money, then you should apply in 
the next days (before 2006-05-08). You will surely enjoy the work
with a nice group of people.

See http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/GoogleSoc2006 for details.

You may want to submit your application early in order to get feedback via
Google's submission system before the submission period ends.

Feel free to contact me or "Thomas Waldmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" if you have
any questions.

Just as a sidenote, there are also at least the organisations BBC R&D (
Kamaelia) and Python Software Foundation (including Python, PyPy, ...)
which offer work on Python software.

Kind regards,

        Support the Python Software Foundation:

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