Version 0.21.1 of Zenoss is available for download.

Major feature enhancements of this version include remote process  
monitoring using the HOST-RESOURCES-MIB, SNMP trap reception and MIB  
compilation (using libsmi).

This release also fixes zenoss bugs: #176, #177 and #185 and zenwin  
bug #189.

To download:

Release Notes:

Project Home:

Project Blurb:
Zenoss is a GPL licensed enterprise grade monitoring system that
provides Inventory/Configuration, Event, Performance and Availability
management in a single integrated package. It is written in Python
using the Zope web application framework and Twisted network
programming environment.  Zenoss is designed to be easy to use for a
beginner yet flexible and powerful enough for the advanced user.



Erik Dahl
CTO & Co-Founder
Zenoss, Inc.

        Support the Python Software Foundation:

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