wxPyCoverage is a simple source browser that shows which lines of code
have and have not been executed, by accepting the output from trace.py
and updating the code display as the program executes.

To run it, redirect the output from your program to the input of
wxPyCoverage, thusly:

        trace.py --trace yourCode.py | ./wxPyCoverage.py

wxPyCoverage will accept input from stdin indefinitely, expecting that
it's in the format output by trace.py, i.e.:

        file.py(line): text
        file.py(line): text
        file.py(line): text
         --- modulename: etc...
        file.py(line): text
        file.py(line): text
        file.py(line): text

This was written using Python 2.4, but should work with whatever
versions print trace output in that format.  It was also written using
wxPython 2.6.x, and uses that to allow interactive browsing of the
source code.  It was tested on SuSE Linux 10.1.  If you're using this
on Windows, and have issues, please let me know; (I don't have a
Windows box handy to do my own testing).



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