
I wanted to let you guys know that I've just released version 0.2 of my
'Templess' library.

Templess is an extremely simple XML (attribute) based XML templating
system. Since it doesn't allow any logic inside the template, it's
relatively friendly to programmers: XML templating with Templess quite
resembles string interpolation, except that the dictionaries can contain
list values (for repeating items) and XML nodes and such.

Of course this isn't always the easiest way to deal with certain things,
since even simple view-related logic has to be done in code (think 'odd'
and 'even' table rows), but if you're a purist, don't trust your
template designers to even touch code, or just hate having to fiddle
about with restricted Python or domain-specific languages in your
templates, Templess may suit your needs...

The library is released under a BSD-style license.

Most important changes since 0.1:

  * major cleanups and bugfixes
  * added 'not' directive
  * removed 'lxml' dependency in favour of a simple SAX-like solution(1)
  * speed improvements and more predictable behaviour (both related to
    the previous point)

Downloads can be found here:


or direct link to 0.2:


For more information, see http://templess.johnnydebris.net/, or send me
an email or whatnot...


Guido Wesdorp

(1) Sorry, lxml guys... It's a great lib, but has rather heavy
dependencies (libxml2, libxslt, pyrex)...

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