Hi everyone,

geopy 0.93 was released tonight.

What is geopy?
geopy is a geocoding toolbox for Python. It includes support for many
popular geocoders including Google Maps, Yahoo! Maps, Virtual Earth,
geocoder.us, GeoNames, MediaWiki (with the GIS extension), and Semantic
MediaWiki. It also includes a module for calculating geodesic distances
using different models (spherical and ellipsoidal).

Where can I get it?
setuptools: sudo easy_install geopy
Cheese Shop: http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/geopy
svn: svn co http://geopy.googlecode.com/svn/tags/release-0.93 geopy-0.93
Documentation: http://exogen.case.edu/projects/geopy

What's new in this version?
geopy.geocoders now includes GeoNames (www.geonames.org).

geopy.distance module was added: calculate geodesic distances.

geopy.util module was added: geocoders.Geocoder.parse_geo was moved there.

geopy.geocoders.Google can now be used with different domains (such
as 'maps.google.co.uk') and different resources ('maps' for the standard
Google Maps interface, 'maps/geo' for the HTTP geocoder interface).

How about an example?

py> from geopy import geocoders
py> us = geocoders.GeocoderDotUS()  
py> place, (lat, lng) = us.geocode("1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC")  
py> print "%s: %.5f, %.5f" % (place, lat, lng)  
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20502: 38.89875, -77.03768  

py> from geopy import distance
py> _, a = us.geocode('10900 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44106')
py> _, b = us.geocode('1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC')
py> distance.distance(a, b).miles

py> from geopy import util
py> util.parse_geo(u"23° 26m 22s N 23° 27m 30s E")
(23.439444444444444, 23.458333333333332)

Brian Beck
Adventurer of the First Order

        Support the Python Software Foundation:

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