Construct is a library for parsing and building (AKA packing and
unpacking) of data structures such as in-memory structures, file
formats, or network protocols.  Unlike other libraries, Construct is
_declarative_, meaning you define the data structure, and not the code
that parses/builds it. As a result, constructs can do both parsing and
building, with no extra code. The library comes with many built-in
primitives, and a large inventory of protocols and file formats.

A full tutorial can be found on the site. Note: the docs are
work-in-progress until the final 2.0 release will be made in the next
two weeks.

If you wish to get a quick taste of the library, consider the following

>>> from construct import *
>>> ethernet_header = Struct("ethernet_header",
...     Bytes("dest", 6),
...     Bytes("source", 6),
...     Enum(UBInt16("type"),
...         IP = 0x0800,
...         ARP = 0x0806,
...         X25 = 0x0805
...     )
... )
>>> print ethernet_header.parse("ABCDEF123456\x08\x00")
    dest = 'ABCDEF'
    source = '123456'
    type = 'IP'
>>> = "aaabbb", source = "333444", type = 
>>> "X25"))



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