`Movable Python <http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/movpy/>`_ has been
updated to Python 2.5.1.  Is is included in the Python 2.5 and Movable
Python Mega-Pack groups.

Movable Python can be downloaded from:

* `Movable Python Groups Page <http://voidspace.tradebit.com/

Movable Python is a distribution of Python, for Windows, that can be
used without being installed.  It doesn't interfere with any Python
installation on machines it is used on, and can be run from a USB
flash drive.  The user interface can be used to launch programs with
any executable, you may never need to use the command line again.

Versions are available for Python 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5.  The Mega-
Pack includes all of these versions, and can be used for testing
programs with multiple versions of Python (including IronPython) from
a single interface.

The new distribution of Python 2.5.1 includes updated versions of the
following extension packages:

* `wxPython <http://wxpython.org>`_
* `PyEnchant 1.3.0 <http://pyenchant.sourceforge.net/>`_
* `Pythonutils 0.3.0 <http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/


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