== Meeting: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 ==

 * Time: 6-8 PM

 * Location: bivio Software, Inc., 28th and Iris, Boulder, CO. Above
Hair Elite in Suite S. There is abundant parking.

This coming Wednesday:

 *  Steve Bethard will present on Python and Natural Language
Processing: the computational semantics group at the University of
Colorado at Boulder is interested in improving machine understanding
of text by moving past the basic word-level approaches used by most
commercial applications these days. Whether they're teaching computers
how to tell a person from an organization, how to decide what order a
set of events occurred in, or how to convert a document into a complex
semantic graph, Python plays a key role in the process. Steve will be
discussing a number of the uses they've found for Python, including
the handling of complex data formats, modularizing their natural
language processing components, and the different types of feature
extraction they perform when building machine learning models.

 * Lightning talks for SciPy 2007. Are you working on a project
combining scientific computing and Python? Feel free to try out an
idea for a talk at SciPy on on our group with a 5-10 min informal
presentation! The SciPy conference is Aug 16-17 at CalTech, and the
deadline for abstracts is June 29.

We will have free food & drink as usual.  We're meeting from 6-8 PM at
bivio Software, which is at 28th and Iris in Boulder, above Hair Elite
in Suite S.

For our next meeting (July 18), we will be having presentations
showcasing web frameworks for Python. And we are planning to have a
sprint or jam on Saturday, August 4 around web frameworks. More
details to come.

Hope to see you there Wednesday!
More details: http://wiki.python.org/moin/FrontRangePythoneers


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