Proposals for PyCon 2008 talks & tutorials are now being accepted.
The deadline for proposals is November 16.

PyCon 2008 will be held in Chicago, Illinois, USA, from March 13-20.

Tutorial Day: Half-Day Tutorials

Do you enjoy teaching classes or tutorials?  Are you good at it?
PyCon is looking for proposals for tutorials.  The PyCon Tutorial Day
will be March 13, 2008 (Thursday).

There will be morning and afternoon tutorial sessions (3 hours each,
plus a 30-minute break); presenters may request two sessions in order
to make up a full day.  Tutorials may be on any topic, but obviously
should be instructional in nature.

Full details and instructions here:

Conference Days: Scheduled Talks

Want to share your experience and expertise?  PyCon is looking for
proposals to fill the formal presentation tracks.  The PyCon
Conference Days will be March 14-16, 2008 (Friday-Sunday).

Previous PyCon conferences have had a broad range of presentations,
ranging from reports on academic and commercial projects to tutorials
and case studies.  We hope to continue that tradition this year.  As
long as the presentation is interesting and potentially useful to the
Python community, it will be considered for inclusion in the program.

We're especially interested in short tutorial presentations that will
teach conference-goers something new and useful. Can you show
attendees how to: use a module? explore a Python language feature?
package an application?

Full details and instructions here:

Development Sprints

Four days of development sprints will follow the conference days,
March 17-20 (Monday-Thursday).  Start thinking about sprints you'd
like to lead or join.  We'll have an announcement about these soon!

Lightning Talks & Open Space

If you don't want to make a formal presentation, you can still bring
your new project or idea to PyCon.

There will be several sessions of Lightning Talks (five minute
mini-talks, scheduled at the conference).

There will also be several Open Space rooms for informal and
spur-of-the-moment presentations. Open Space slots are allocated
during PyCon on a first-come first-served basis. These slots can be
used for presentations, round table discussions, hands-on tutorials,
follow-up discussions after scheduled talks, or anything else you wish
to present.

Help Out!

PyCon 2008 planning is in full swing, but we can still use more help,
*your* help!


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