I am pleased to announce that PyCon 2008 registration is now open!


Early-bird registration is open until February 20, so there's one
month to register at the low rates.  Regular on-line registration will
be available from February 21 through March 7.

PyCon 2008 will be held from March 13 through 20 in Chicago:

* Tutorials: Thursday, March 13
* Conference: Friday, March 14, through Sunday, March 16
* Sprints: Monday, March 17 through Thursday, March 20

Register early, especially if you'd like to attend a tutorial or
three, as tutorials fill up early.  And yes, you heard that correctly
-- this year, we have three tutorial sessions: morning, afternoon, and
evening.  There are 29 great tutorials to choose from.  More about the
tutorials soon, but for now, you can check out the descriptions
yourself here: http://us.pycon.org/2008/tutorials/schedule/

The talk schedule is also up (in a preliminary form), although some
changes are expected: http://us.pycon.org/2008/conference/schedule/

Hotel reservations are also open:


The rate is $99/night plus tax ($112/night net), also until
February 20.  More hotel information is here:

See the PyCon web site for complete details:


Thanks to the PyCon organizers for developing the software, providing
the website content, testing & debugging.  PyCon is a community
conference, of, by, and for the Python community.  There is still
much to do, and you can help!


See you in Chicago!

David Goodger
PyCon 2008 Chair

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