I'm happy to announce CrunchyFrog 0.2.0.

This is the first public release.

Download: http://crunchyfrog.googlecode.com/files/crunchyfrog-0.2.0.tar.gz

What is CrunchyFrog

CrunchyFrog is a database navigator and query tool for GNOME.
Currently PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite3 databases and LDAP
servers are supported for browsing and querying. More databases
and features can be added using the plugin system.
CrunchyFrog is licensed under the GPLv3 and is entirely written
in Python/PyGTK.

Download:    http://cf.andialbrecht.de/download.html
Homepage:    http://cf.andialbrecht.de/
Screenshots: http://cf.andialbrecht.de/screenshots.html

Development: http://crunchyfrog.googlecode.com/
Discussions: http://groups.google.com/group/crunchyfrog
Issues/Bugs: http://code.google.com/p/crunchyfrog/issues/list

What's New Since beta2

Bug Fixes

 * load/unload of plugins fixed (issue #5)
 * connection handling: minor improvements


 * User manual (en, de)

Changelog: http://code.google.com/p/crunchyfrog/wiki/ChangeLog



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