
Wingware has released version 3.1 beta3 of Wing IDE, an integrated development
environment for the Python programming language. It is available from:


This release includes the following changes:

* How-To and improvements for using Wing IDE with Google App Engine
* Scan for sys.path changes in main debug file (e.g. for Zope buildouts)
* Preference to auto-strip trailing white space on save
* Many vi mode improvements
* Testing tool enhancements, including better support for test names
  that are not method names
* Sped up stepping in the debugger
* Set encoding for stdin/out/err in debug processes for better handling
  of non-ascii input and output
* Fixed problems with debugging stackless tasklets
* Python Shell allows spawned threads to run, rather than stopping all threads
* Improved support for debugging code invoked by execfile()
* Better autocompletion support for an x defined by 'import x.y.z'
* More bug fixes, including also all those found in Wing 3.0.5

Please see the change log for a detailed list of changes:


Version 3.1 introduces a number of new features and includes bug fixes not
found in the 3.0 series, as follows:

* Files within .zip or .egg files can be displayed in the editor
* Support for pkg_resources based namespace packages
* Support for doctest and nose unit test frameworks (**)
* Updated code analysis support for Python 2.5 constructs
* Improved support for tasklets in Stackless Python
* In-line argument entry of code templates/snippets (tab and back tab to
  traverse fields; arrow keys to change template indent, Esc to exit data
  entry mode) (**)
* Include templates by name in autocompleter (**)
* Simple word list driven auto-completion when working in non-Python files (*)
* Open from Project for quick selection of files from the Project by
  typing a fragment (*)
* Find Symbol for quick Goto-Definition for symbols in the current Python
  file by typing a fragment (*)
* Show gi_running and gi_frame in Stack Data for generators
* Sort menus and lists using more natural sorting so x2.py comes before x10.py
* Preference to strip trailing white space on save
* Scan for straightforward sys.path changes in main debug file
* How-To and improvements for using Wing IDE with Google App Engine
* Many bug fixes not in Wing 3.0.x

(*)'d items are available in Wing IDE Personal or Professional only.
(**)'d items are available in Wing IDE Professional only.

*About Wing IDE*

Wing IDE is an integrated development environment for the Python programming
language.  It provides powerful debugging, editing, code intelligence,
testing, and search capabilities that reduce development and debugging
time, cut down on coding errors, and make it easier to understand
and navigate Python code.

Wing IDE is available in three product levels:  Wing IDE Professional is
the full-featured Python IDE, Wing IDE Personal offers a reduced feature
set at a low price, and Wing IDE 101 is a free scaled back version designed
for teaching entry level programming courses with Python.

System requirements are Windows 2000 or later, OS X 10.3.9 or later for PPC or
Intel (requires X11 Server), or a recent Linux system (either 32 or 64 bit).

*Purchasing & Upgrading*

Wing IDE Professional & Wing IDE Personal are commercial software and require
a license to run. Wing 3.1 is a free upgrade for all Wing IDE 3.0 users. Any
2.x license sold after May 2nd 2006 is free to upgrade; others cost 1/2 the
normal price to upgrade.

To upgrade a 2.x license or purchase a new 3.x license:

Upgrade    https://wingware.com/store/upgrade
Purchase   https://wingware.com/store/purchase


The Wingware Team
Wingware | Python IDE
Advancing Software Development



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