"The time has come", the Walrus said,
       "To talk of many things:
   Of shoes -- and ships -- and sealing-wax --
       Of cabbages -- and kings --
   And why the sea is boiling hot --
       And whether pigs have wings."

Well, *this* PIG's about to get wings!  :)

This is the [re-]announcement of a new Python Interest Group:
the Baltimore/Annapolis/Columbia/and-Other-Northern-dc-suburbs Python
Interest Group (BACON-PIG).  The BACON-PIG's launch was somewhat
delayed by system-administrational vicissitudes at Pan Galactic
Enterprises (which hosts the mailing list) but is now imminent!

Although there is a good and venerable group in Washington, DC
(the ZPUG-DC or Zope/Python Users of DC, <http://www.zpugdc.org/>),
some of us Maryland Pythonistas are too lazy (me :) or unable
for whatever reason to schlep ourselves down into DC or Northern
Virginia for after-work meetings -- hence the motivation for a
group that meets in Maryland.

In deference to ZPUG-DC, the BACON-PIG will make every effort to have
its meetings on dates that are at least 2 weeks away from ZPUG-DC
meetings (which currently appear to be on the first Tuesday of the
month), and the BACON-PIG will also focus on topics other than Zope
and/or Plone, since those are addressed quite thoroughly by ZPUG-DC.
Of course, attendance at both groups' meetings is encouraged!

The inaugural meeting of the BACON-PIG will be Thursday, October 23,
5:30 - 7:30 PM, at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Visitor
Center in Greenbelt, Maryland:


A map and directions are available at that site.  The first meeting
will include at least some recaps of PyCon 2008 and SciPy 2008 from
attendees of those events.  At some BACON-PIG meeting in the near
future (maybe this one??) Barry Warsaw has promised to lead a Python
3.0 love-fest!  Tune in to the bacon-pig list for all the news:


Steve Waterbury


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