I'm pleased to announce the release of Papywizard 1.0!


Main features

- bluetooth or serial connection (other buses easy to add)
- mainly targeted for Nokia 770/N800/N810
- 'mosaic' mode for high-resolution panos
- 'preset' mode for full-spherical panos
- freely customizable for any camera/lens configuration
- key shortcuts for efficient usage
- easy to use

What is Papywizard?

Papywizard is a free panohead control software, mainly developped for the
Merlin/Orion astronomic mount[1][2] but usable for other panoheads, as long
as it is possible to talk to them (hardware/software).

The project is developped with the support of Kolor company[3], which
develops the famous Autopano Pro stitcher software[4].

Comments, questions and bug reports must be posted on APP forums[5].




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