
I'm happy to announce release 0.70.4 of Task Coach. This release fixes
some bugs:

Bugs fixed:

* Allow Task Coach to be installed on Ubuntu 7.10.
* Task Coach wasn't notifying users of new versions.
* When merging, merge notes too.
* When the notes feature is turned off, hide the 'Create new note'
menu item in the category pop up menu.
* Fixed a translation bug.
* Hide/show the main window with one click on the task bar icon
instead of a double click (Linux only).
* The Task Coach main window would get a very small size if it was
started minimized and had not been restored in the previous session.

What is Task Coach?

Task Coach is a simple task manager that allows for hierarchical
tasks, i.e. tasks in tasks. Task Coach is open source (GPL) and is
developed using Python and wxPython. You can download Task Coach from:


In addition to the source distribution, packaged distributions are
available for Windows XP/Vista, Mac OS X, and Linux (Debian and RPM

Note that Task Coach is alpha software, meaning that it is wise to
back up your task file regularly, and especially when upgrading to a
new release.

Cheers, Frank

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