David Beazley, author of the Python Essential Reference is pleased to
announce an "Introduction to Python" class on May 11-13, 2009 in
Chicago, Illinois.

This course, open to individual enrollment, is a comprehensive
hands-on course for programmers, scientists, and engineers who want to
master the essential elements of Python programming in order to solve
real-world problems in data processing, systems programming, and
software integration.  This is the same acclaimed course that Dave has
taught at more than 30 on-site locations in 2007-2008.  

The venue for this class is centrally located in the heart of
Chicago's downtown financial/theater district.  When the class is not
in session, you will be just steps away from many of Chicago's most
famous parks and cultural attractions.  So, come prepared for three
days of serious Python instruction and urban exploration.

More details about the class can be found at:


I hope to see you there!

Dave Beazley


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