* * Introduction to Python Masterclass * *
                           May 11-13, 2009
                          Chicago, Illinois
       with David Beazley, author "Python Essential Reference"


Take your Python programming skills to the next level.  David Beazley
is pleased to offer a comprehensive hands-on course for programmers,
scientists, and engineers who want to master the essential elements of
Python programming in order to solve real-world problems in data
processing, systems administration, databases, and software
integration. If you are new to Python, this class will quickly bring
you up to speed and allow you to immediately apply Python to problems
you face everyday.  If you already know some Python, this course will
give you new insights, inspire you to improve the programs you have
already written, and give you a roadmap towards Python 3 and beyond.
This is the same class that Dave has taught on-site to more than 400
students including rocket scientists, robot builders, hardware
engineers, financial wizards, and web programmers.

Forget about the midwest winter and mind-numbing suburban technology
parks---the venue for this class is centrally located in the heart of
Chicago's vibrant downtown financial/theater district. When class is
not in session, you will be just steps away from many of Chicago's
most famous cultural attractions, shopping districts, and lakefront
parks. Come prepared for three days of serious Python instruction and
springtime urban exploration.

More details about the class including discounts for early registration
can be found at:


I hope to see you there!

Dave Beazley


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