I am proud to announce the first alpha release of Booleano, an
interpreter of
boolean expressions, a library to define and run filters available as
(e.g., in a natural language) or in Python code.

In order to handle text-based filters, Booleano ships with a fully-
parser whose grammar is adaptive: Its properties can be overridden
simple configuration directives. This parser is powered by Pyparsing.

On the other hand, the library exposes a pythonic API for filters
written in
pure Python. These filters are particularly useful to build reusable
conditions from objects provided by a third party library.

It's been designed to address the following use cases:
 1.- Convert text-based conditions: When you need to turn a condition
available as plain text into something else (i.e., another filter).
 2.- Evaluate text-based conditions: When you have a condition
available as
plain text and need to iterate over items in order to filter out those
which the evaluation of the condition is not successful.
 3.- Evaluate Python-based conditions: When you have a condition
by a Python object (nothing to be parsed) and need to iterate over
items in
order to filter out those for which the evaluation of the condition is

Website: http://code.gustavonarea.net/booleano/

I hope you'll like it! Comments are most welcome :)

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