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September is well upon us and it looks like it's already time for another Scientific Computing with Python webinar. Next week, Travis Oliphant will be hosting a presentation on regression analysis in NumPy and SciPy. As you are probably aware, Travis was the primary developer of NumPy, so we're fortunate to have him presenting these tools. Here's a word on what to expect Friday:

A common scientific and engineering need is to find the parameters to a model that best fit a particular data set. A large number of techniques and tools have been created for assisting with this general problem. They vary based on the model (e.g. linear or nonlinear), the characteristics of the errors on the data (e.g. weighted or un- weighted), and the error metric selected (e.g. least-squares, or absolute difference).

This webinar will provide an overview of the tools that SciPy and NumPy provide for regression analysis including linear and non-linear least-squares and a brief look at handling other error metrics. We will also demonstrate simple GUI tools that can make some problems easier and provide a quick overview of the new Scikits package statsmodels whose API is maturing in a separate package but should be incorporated into SciPy in the future.

Here's the registration information:

Scientific Computing with Python Webinar: Regression analysis in NumPy
Friday, September 18
1pm CDT/6pm UTC
Register at GoToMeeting: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/632400424

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Hope to see you there!

Amenity Applewhite
Enthought, Inc.
Scientific Computing Solutions


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