
The 0.3.9 release of pywinauto is now available.

pywinauto is a set of open-source (LGPL) modules for using Python as a
GUI automation 'driver' for Windows NT based Operating Systems

SourceForge project page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywinauto

Download from SourceForge

Here is the list of changes from 0.3.8:

 * Major change this release is that Sendkeys is no longer a requirement!
  A replacement that supports Unicode is included with pywinauto. (hopefully
  soon to be released as a standalone module). Please note - this is still
  quite untested so this release should be treated with some care..

 * Made sure that default for WindowSpecification.Window_() was to look
  for non top level windows. The defaults in find_windows() had been
  changed previously and it now needed to be explicitly overridden.

 * Fixed a missing reference to 'win32defines' when referencing WAIT_TIMEOUT
  another typo of false (changed to False)

 * Removed the restriction to only get the active windows for the process,
  now it will be possible to get the active windows, even if a process is
  not specified.
  From http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms633506%28VS.85%29.aspx
  it gets the active window for the foreground thread.

 * Hopefully improved Delphi TreeView and ListView handling (added window
  class names as supported window classes to the appropriate classes).

 * Added support for running UI tests with reference controls. (requried
  for some localization tests)

 * Various PyLint and PEP8 fixes made.

If you want to follow this project then please sign up to the mailing
list: https://lists.sourceforge.net/mailman/listinfo/pywinauto-users


<P><A HREF="http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywinauto";>pywinauto 0.3.9</A>
Simple Windows GUI automation with Python. (27-Nov-09)

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