Hello all,
I'm pleased to announce the release of version 0.4.0 of unittest2.
* unittest2 on PyPI: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/unittest2
* Article introducing unittest2:
* Development docs for unittest (new features documented)
* Mercurial Development Repository: http://hg.python.org/unittest2
unittest2 is an enhanced version of unittest including a standard test
runner (automatic test discovery), class and module level fixtures
(``setUpClass`` / ``setUpModule`` etc), many powerful new assert
methods, better resource management with ``addCleanups`` and a host of
other new features. These new features are *all* going into the Python
version of unittest in Python 2.7 and Python 3.2. The point of unittest2
is that it works with Python 2.4 - 2.6; you can use it now.
The latest release is 0.4.0, which roughly equates to the feature set
that will be in unittest in Python 2.7 beta 1 which is due out any
minute now. The last public release of unittest2 I announced was version
0.2.0 and there have been several new and important features since then.
For a good roundup of the new features, see my blog entry:
* http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/weblog/arch_d7_2010_04_03.shtml#e1171
The full changelog for versions 0.3.0 and 0.4.0:
2010/04/08 - 0.4.0
Addition of ``removeHandler`` for removing the control-C handler.
``delta`` keyword argument for ``assertAlmostEqual`` and
Addition of -b command line option (and ``TestResult.buffer``) for
stdout / stderr during test runs.
Addition of ``TestCase.assertNotRegexpMatches``.
Allow test discovery using dotted module names instead of a path.
All imports requiring the signal module are now optional, for compatiblity
with IronPython (or other platforms without this module).
Tests fixed to be compatible with nosetest.
2010/03/26 - 0.3.0
``assertSameElements`` removed and ``assertItemsEqual`` added; assert that
sequences contain the same elements.
Addition of -f/--failfast command line option, stopping test run on first
failure or error.
Addition of -c/--catch command line option for better control-C handling
test runs.
Added ``BaseTestSuite``, for use by frameworks that don't want to
support shared
class and module fixtures.
Skipped test methods no longer have ``setUp`` and ``tearDown`` called around
Faulty ``load_tests`` functions no longer halt test discovery.
Using non-strings for failure messages now works.
Potential for ``UnicodeDecodeError`` whilst creating failure messages fixed.
Split out monolithic test module into a package.
BUGFIX: Correct usage message now shown for unit2 scripts.
BUGFIX: ``__unittest`` in module globals trims frames from that module in
reported stacktraces.
All the best,
Michael Foord
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