
I'd like to invite you to join the LinkedIn's "Python & WebSphere MQ"
group [1] which I've just created. The community of programmers using
both Python and WebSphere MQ is ever growing and I believe it's time for
Python & WebSphere MQ professionals to have their place on LinkedIn as well.

Users of PyMQI [1] and Spring Python's JMS features [2] are particularly
welcome but if you're still wavering over using Python for WebSphere MQ
programming then you're more than encouraged to join in!

[1] http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=3726448
[2] http://packages.python.org/pymqi/
[3] http://springpython.webfactional.com/1.2.x/sphinx/html/jms.html


Dariusz Suchojad

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