Python Course in Golden, CO, USA

**There is only one day left to take advantage of the early bird rate.**

Introduction to Python and Python for Scientists and Engineers

June 3 - 4, 2011      Introduction to Python
June 5, 2011          Python for Scientists and Engineers

Both courses can be booked individually or together.

Venue: Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO (20 minutes west of Denver)
Trainer: Mike Müller

Target Audience

The introductory course is designed for people with basic programming
background. Since it is a general introduction to Python it is suitable
for everybody interested in Python.

The scientist's course assumes a working knowledge of Python. You will be fine
if you take the two-day introduction before hand. The topics are of general
interest for scientists and engineers. Even though some examples come from the
groundwater modeling domain, they are easy to understand for people without
prior knowledge in this field.

About the Trainer

Mike Müller, has been teaching Python since 2004. He is the
founder of Python Academy and regularly gives open and in-house
Python courses as well as tutorials at PyCon US, OSCON, EuroSciPy
and PyCon Asia-Pacific.

More Information and Course Registration


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