Hi all,
I'm Francesco and I am writing on behalf of EuroPython Staff
(www.europython.eu). We are happy to announce that the Call for
Proposals is now officially open!


For those who have never been at EuroPython (or similar conferences)
before, the Call for Proposals is the period in which the organizers
ask the community to submit proposals for talks to be held at the

EuroPython is a conference run by the community for the community: the
vast majority of talks that are presented at the conference will be
proposed, prepared and given by members of the Python community

And not only that: the process that selects the best talks among all
the proposals will also be public and fully driven by the community:
it's called Community Voting, and will begin right after the Call for
Proposals ends.

CFP: Talks, Hands-On Trainings and Posters

We're looking for proposals on every aspect of Python: programming
from novice to advanced levels, applications and frameworks, or how
you have been involved in introducing Python into your organisation.

There are three different kind of contribution that you can present at
- Regular talk. These are standard "talk with slides", allocated in
slots of 45, 60 or 90 minutes, depending on your preference and
scheduling constraints. A Q&A session is held at the end of the talk.
- Hands-on training. These are advanced training sessions for a
smaller audience (10-20 people), to dive into the subject with all
details. These sessions are 4-hours long, and the audience will be
strongly encouraged to bring a laptop to experiment. They should be
prepared with less slides and more source code.
- Posters. Posters are a graphical way to describe a project or a
technology, printed in large format; posters are exhibited at the
conference, can be read at any time by participants, and can be
discussed face to face with their authors during the poster session.
We will take care of printing the posters too, so don't worry about

More details about Call for Proposal are online here:

Don't wait for the last day

If possible, please avoid submitting your proposals on the last day.
It might sound a strange request, but last year about 80% of the
proposals were submitted in the last 72 hours. This creates a few
problems for organizers because we can't have a good picture of the
size of the conference until that day.

Remember that proposals are fully editable at any time, even after the
Call for Proposals ends. You just need to login on the website, go to
the proposal page (linked from your profile page), and click the Edit

First-time speakers are especially welcome; EuroPython is a community
conference and we are eager to hear about your experience. If you have
friends or colleagues who have something valuable to contribute, twist
their arms to tell us about it!

Please also forward this Call for Proposals to anyone that you feel
may be interested.

All the best,

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